Where Our Heart Is

We all know how lucky we are to live in Whatcom County. Sure, we have our challenges. But we also have the drive, the people, and the organizations to meet those challenges, and improve the community in which we live.

At A1DesignBuild, it’s more than just building homes. Because at the end of the day, homes are about people. People making connections, people growing older together, people dreaming about a better future. Our mission has been a work in progress since 1955, and 70 years later we think we’ve made some progress in helping people along the way.

Announcing Something Big: On Friday 4/19/24, we’ll be formally launching a nonprofit initiative that we think can make an even bigger difference. It’s based on the age-old belief that there is great power in compassion and contribution. We want to build something that supports valuable projects and organizations that enrich our community, while at the same time being a trustworthy conduit for our clients, community members, and employees to contribute to important causes as well. It’s a little audacious, a little bold, and it may not work. But we’re going to take a big swing and see what happens anyway.

We don’t know what the future holds, of course. But what we do know is that together, we can help create a legacy of kindness and build a stronger, more resilient Bellingham and Whatcom County. No matter what happens.

So keep your eyes on this space, and join us in making a difference. We can all do it, one project, one donation, one volunteer hour at a time. It all adds up.

Keep being the change, and we’ll see you back here soon.
